

HEMA Packaging & Design

Written on December 7 2010.

This blog post was written a long time ago and may not reflect my current opinion or might be technically out of date. Read with a grain of salt.

I've always liked HEMA shops. They basically all you need for everyday life. From candies, to socks through contact lenses, you always find what you need. Many of those goods and their packaging are greatly designed. I recently bought an economical light bulb. The packaging is great.

HEMA lightbulbs package

Check how informations are displayed. The socket size (E27) is on the socket. The luminosity on the light bulb. Simple and beautiful. No plastic. Now compare it with that.

Philips packaging

HEMA has a great sense of functional design. Unfortunately, not all their products get the same love. Here is for example halogen lightbulb (no, I don't own a lightbulbs collection) package.

halogen HEMA bulbs

Sorry, it is open but I needed some light to shave this morning. The package is simple but it looks like any other brand. And it has unnecessary plastic. Their products reminds me an other line of products from Monoprix. The packagings were full of puns about the product.

I'm quite receptive to this kind of attention from the makers of the products I buy. Are you ?